Internship Permission Letter – If you need to request some of the approval in the internship from your principal you have to give some of the personal reason so that they can allow you for the internship.
You have to follow some of the rules of the schools while you are undergoing with somer of the internship in the school.

Internship Permission Letter Format

Name of the College/University
Phone Number

Your Name
Phone Number

To the Principal,

Sub : Internship Permission Letter
Have a Great Day!

I am writing this letter in reply to your letter dated 11.10.21. We are pleased to accept the application of internship for your students with our company. We have decided to take 15 internees from your college to work on our different ongoing projects starting from November 1st, 2021 to December 30th, 2021. In this period, your students will be selected as “Internees” at our company.

All the details in relation with the project and duties of the separate internee will be shared on the first day of their internship with us. And once they have successfully completion of three months, all the internees will have to submit a full project report on their internship which will have facts of their project and their roles. This internship report will mark conclusion of their internship and then the company will issue them an Internship Certificate.

In the period of internship, the internees will come across complex information and important details of the company. Therefore, they will need to sign an contract with the company on their date of joining to maintain the privacy of company information.

Thank you for your time and kind consideration.