Final Year Project 2021 - Project list





In the finance world stock trading is one of the most important activities. Stock market prediction is an act of trying to determine the future value of a stock other financial instrument traded on a financial exchange. the prediction of a stock using Machine Learning. The technical and fundamental or the time series analysis is used by the most of the stockbrokers while making the stock predictions. The programming language is used to predict the stock market using machine learning is Python. we propose a Machine Learning (ML) approach that will be trained from the available stocks data and gain intelligence and then uses the acquired knowledge for an accurate prediction. A machine learning technique called Support Vector Machine (SVM) to predict stock prices for the large and small capitalizations and in the three different markets, employing prices with both daily and up-to-the-minute frequencies.








Generation 1 System focuses on Telnet kind of operations which will take care of remote execution process. Security visualization is one of the major areas where most of the research is going on in visualizing the network nature for the systems. Due to vulnerability attacks and projection matrix manipulation. Many researchers are directed towards security monitoring measures and preventive techniques against intrusions. There are many major techniques and technological jargon dominating the security related stuffs in the IT industry. Many companies are focusing towards projecting their monitoring products in this evolving field.  The goals of the optimization algorithm begin with: minimize running cost, for example (but not restricted to) power consumption; guarantee QoS for every class of application user (we predicted average predicted user response time) satisfy constraints on memory and scale-out (the number of instances of each task); In our project, our focused areas include host/server monitoring in an integrated based environment with specific features like internal and external monitoring, port activity and attack patterns. Important area to focus in this kind of Set Mon system involves, for a task, its number of threads, for a driver task like User Class involves the number of users for a processor, the number of cores.







final year project in chennai 1


To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for cse






Information sharing is the key goal of Cloud Storage servers. It allows storage of sensitive and large volume of data with limited cost and high access benefits. Security must be in given due importance for the cloud data with utmost care to the data and confidence to the data owner. But this limits the utilization of data through plain text search. Hence an excellent methodology is required to match the keywords with encrypted cloud data. The proposed approach similarity measure of “coordinate matching” combined with “inner product similarity” quantitatively evaluates and matches all relevant data with search keyword to arrive at best results. This approach, each document is associated with a binary vector to represent a keyword contained in the document. The search keyword is also described as a binary vector, so the similarity could be exactly measured by the inner product of the query vector with the data vector. The inner product computation and the two multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted data (MRSE) schemes ensures data privacy and provides detailed information about the dynamic operation on the data set and index and hence improves the search experience of the user.










To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project






Quality Score Based Image Corner Detection using Python the corner detection methodology is defined in OpenCV python library. No feature-based vision system can work until good features can be identified and tracked from frame to frame. Although tracking itself is by and large a solved problem, selecting features that can be tracked well and correspond to physical points in the world is still an open problem. We propose a feature selection criterion that is optimal by construction because is based on how the tracker works, as well as a feature monitoring method that can detect occlusions, dis-occlusions, and features that do not correspond to points in the world. These methods are based on a new tracking algorithm that extends previous Newton-Raphson style search methods to work under affine image transformations. We test performance with several simulations and experiments on real images.






image processing in python







Authentication is a obligatory factors of technological world concerned with security. Multi-factor authentication – also called two-factor authentication – secures access to networks and validates and protects user identities. In the existing methodology, an authentication by means of user security input in the form of text is utilized and converted to captcha. CAPTCHA “Completely Automated Public Turing“ is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. The generated CAPTCHA is splited into two by the concept of visual cryptography in the server for authentication purposes and merged to verify the authenticity. In the proposed methodology, a Graphical Image Password has been designed that provides the users with an option to select the hotspots in the hierarchy of the images. The successive selection of the exact hot spots in the splited image will enable the user to move to the next successful images. These hotspots will be another way prominent way of authentication.







best information technology projects 1


To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for Computer Science






In cyber physical systems integrations, the request from the local servers will be processed remotely and the data needs to be model mapped. So that, no one can distract the data and its transfer. Inter-organizational process systems play a very important fundamental role in business relationships. We introduce the concept of organisation Behaviour. Not only can these authentication will be used to ensure authenticity but also it protect integrity of conceptual process data, but also to prove the sequence and logical relationships, such as AND-join(Combination of Data Models) and AND-split, of a conceptual process. Global model signatures can be electronic evidence useful for auditing, that is proving compliance of business processes against some regulatory requirements. Furthermore, signing keys can be used to grant permissions to perform tasks. The signing keys are issued on-the fly, authorization to execute a task within a conceptual process can be controlled and granted dynamically at run-time. In this paper, we propose a concrete CPS verification token scheme, which is based on hierarchical identity-based cryptography, to meet security properties required by inter-organizational conceptual processs. A multi-Level validation of data is done through multi key verification token binding on the messages. This will create a highly secure and competitive strength to the system. Data will be double encrypted in this research which made the tampering of data, a real complex one.












In E-Plastic system is recycle products that collected from users through the online. E-Plastic system gives the user information of date, day, and time for E-plastic are collected. Users can choose the product in online by selecting the available products for the recycled products. The user can also track the delivery details of ordered product.












Smart urban transportation management can be considered as a multifaceted big data challenge. It strongly relies on the information collected into multiple, widespread, and heterogeneous data sources as well as on the ability to extract actionable insights from them. The selection of suitable car parks could be influenced by driving and waiting time, parking prices, availability, and accessibility while the supply of unused parking slots might depend on parking location, events within the area, traffic flow, and weather. This project is focused on presenting the research results regarding a solution to predict the number of available parking slots.













Skin disease affect around 3% of the population worldwide. They tend to be itchy and spread over the body easily. Among them, Psoriasis is a common chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by scaly patches. It causes severe skin inflammation and the treatment for such cases are determined based on the severity evaluated by Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) scoring system. Currently, these scores are estimated visually and hence suffers from inter and intra-observer difference. This severely affects the way, the disease is treated. Our proposed system focuses on segmentation and scaling of 2D digital images of Psoriasis. This computer assisted system removes erythematic from the selected psoriasis image and considers other skills cells for analysis and treatment. The “Feature Space Scaling Algorithm” uses color, contrast and image texture along with a combination of SVM classification filters and Markov random fields to come up with a treatment solution. The algorithm is tested with different skins under different lighting condition and is proved to be reliable.














Existing shilling attack detection approaches focus mainly on identifying individual attackers in online recommender systems and rarely address the detection of group shilling attacks in which a group of attackers colludes to bias the output of an online recommender system by injecting fake profiles. In this project, we propose a group shilling attack detection method based on the bisecting K-means clustering algorithm. First, we extract the rating track of each item and divide the rating tracks to generate candidate groups according to a fixed time interval. Second, we propose item attention degree and user activity to calculate the suspicious degrees of candidate groups. Finally, we employ the bisecting K-means algorithm to cluster the candidate groups according to their suspicious degrees and obtain the attack groups. The results of experiments on the Netflix and Amazon data sets indicate that the proposed method outperforms the baseline methods.













Research focus on the dynamic invocation of code and patterns based on the existing antivirus model. This project emphasizes an artificial intelligence model in developing the code which will do the following process. Invoke automatically and started executing in case of any virus files available. The virus files can be identified through the signatures. Can be identified via the type / name of files which already exists. In case, the user will train the model for the type of virus. An intelligent system will take care of future detection with those patterns. The operations involve the 3 step process: 1.Validating the behavior of the files,2.An automatic event detection happens in case of any actions needs to be done,3.Event will be handled to process in case of virus detection.






best project topics for information technology final year


To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for BSC Computer Science







With the improvement of web technology and its evolution, there is a huge volume of data current in the web for internet users and a lot of data is generated too. Internet has become a platform for online learning, exchanging feelings and sharing opinions. Feature extractors and different Machine Learning Classifiers are used here. The unigrams and feature extractors are unigrams, with weighted decisive and pesimisive keywords. A framework is planned that separates feature extractors and classifiers as a pair of components. It has been practical that people currently tend to look upon evaluations of products which are available online before they buy them. And for several businesses, the online belief decides the success or failure of their product. Thus, Sentiment Analysis plays an significant role in businesses. Businesses also wish to extract sentiment from the connected reviews in order to progress their products and in turn their status and help in customer satisfaction. Semantics: The comprehensive sentiment of a tweet is classified by the algorithms. Semantic role labeler can be used which shows which noun is allied with the verb and therefore the classification occurs.






final year project in information technology


To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for Aeronautical Engineering






Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are sophisticated applications with a focus to generate and spread creative services related to different transport modes for traffic management and hence enable the terrorist passenger informed about the traffic well ahead and to use the transport networks in a better way. The Intelligent travel system provides an eminent Neural Network based intelligence system which provides automatic allocation of travel’s through the Global Information system across the path of the terrorists travel.  It’s an innovative approach which can be implemented in schools, universities and shopping areas. The information is provided during start of the journey and hence the system is challenging due to dynamic nature of the traffic which varies based on speed, flow, and travel time. Here is the sequence of instructions to be noted, Once the terrorist caught by the police. The crime department will identify the cameras for his movement and his location and pattern of his travel. This is wholly done by the Crime department After collecting the travel pattern of the terrorist, the police department will have to frame via the latitude and longitude of his travel. This data will be collected via an excel sheet and this is used in our project. The data needs to be feed in to our travel pattern system with the  latitude and longitude values and its co-related with the google maps. This pattern needs to be mined with below specified algorithms to identify the possible of attacks. Two major components of the ITMS are Speed Prediction Neural Network System (SPNNS) and the Dynamic Traversing Speed Profile (DTSP) algorithm is based as reference algorithm for this project.


Travel plan





To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for ECE







An automatic invocation of hardware via a Image processing system controlled by cloud devices is the core idea of the project. The entire idea of the project is to identify the information forensics is used to promote activities within the board technical area of information forensics and security. The existing pattern is to identify the face recognition and fractal recognition through networking. The idea is to find image status and hack the hardware and update to the user.This models enables us to represent the building individual image sets followed by measuring the similarity metric and compare the models.We  represents the input images as the set of values for authentication, which is available in a linear or affine feature space and characterize each individual image set by a convex geometric region spanned by its feature points. Set dissimilarity is measured by geometric distances (distances of closest approach) between convex models.


information technology project topics


To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for BCA








EYE BANK MANAGEMENT is a pilot project for the new eye bank that is soon going to start in the city. According to the planning of the management this bank will start operating from the very next month and they have the planning to collect tissues of eyes from various sources and distribute them to the needy people. A full fledged software is important for managing all these work responsibilities. This software helps to maintain the daily transaction records in an eye bank and it also enable to register the details of the donors, eye tissue collection details and etc. This software application is designed in such a manner that it can suit the needs of all the eye banks in the future. Every possible effort is given to implement this project successfully and if it becomes successful then we will also target the other eye banks in the city. This project uses the donor to register. So that the details can be found by either town or blood group.







information technology project


To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for BE







The word network in the term ‘neural network’ refers to the inter–connections between the neurons in the different layers of each system.An example system has three layers. The first layer has its own input neurons which send data through the synapses to the second layer of neurons, then via more synapses to the third layer of output neurons. More complex systems  have more layers of neurons with some having increased layers of input  and output neurons.The synapses store parameters called “weights” that are used to  manipulate the data in the calculations. An ANN is usually defined by three sorts of parameters: 1. The interconnection pattern between the various layers of neurons 2. The learning process for updating the weights of the interconnections 3. The activation function that converts a neuron’s weighted input to its output activation. Looking for available parking slots has become a significant issue in contemporary urban mobility..


information technology final year project topics





best project for information technology 1



To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for MCA








Every organization, whether big or small, has human resource challenges to overcome. Every organization has different staff management needs; therefore, we design exclusive staff management systems that are adapted to our managerial requirements. This is designed to assist in strategic planning and will help you ensure that in your organization is equipped with the right level of human resources for your future goals. Also, for those busy staff members who are always on the go, our systems come with remote access features, which will allow you to manage your workforce anytime, at all times. Which means the allocation of time periods for particular staff is maintained by this application These systems will ultimately allow you to better manage resources. One of the main features in staff management system is time tracking for staff’s. Effective time tracking mechanism saves both time and money for the organization.




information technology final year project


To know more about this Project visit this page Final Year Project for BBA







A data center (or data center) is a facility composed of networked computers and storage that businesses or other organizations use to organize, process, store and disseminate large amounts of data. A business typically relies heavily upon the applications, services and data contained within a data center, making it a focal point and critical asset for everyday operations. Data centers are not a single thing, but rather, a conglomeration of elements. At a minimum, data centers serve as the principal repositories for all manner of IT equipment, including servers, storage subsystems, networking switches, routers and firewalls, as well as the cabling and physical racks used to organize and interconnect the IT equipment. A data center must also contain an adequate infrastructure, such as power distribution and supplemental power subsystems, including electrical switching; uninterruptable power supplies; backup generators and so on; ventilation and data center cooling systems, such as computer room air conditioners; and adequate provisioning for network carrier (telco) connectivity. All of this demands a physical facility with physical security and sufficient physical space to house the entire collection of infrastructure and equipment. Although almost any suitable space could conceivably serve as a “data center,” the deliberate design and implementation of a data center requires careful consideration. Beyond the basic issues of cost and taxes, sites are selected based on a multitude of criteria, such as geographic location, seismic and meteorological stability, access to roads and airports, availability of energy and telecommunications and even the prevailing political environment.








Job suggestion website is one the interactive GUI website and it done for social cause. This website is to aid fresher’s and experienced people to find the job information online conveniently and quickly. In this project, we are going to develop this website to ease the difficulty of searching for jobs according. To the area of interest and according. To the locations where they want to work. To search for the jobs and suggestions, user need to enter location or domain and our website will suggest jobs according to the given information.











Rural water supply schemes in India are generally designed for domestic uses. However, the multiple water use priorities of poor rural households in order to reduce their hardship and enhance food production, health and income mean that in water-scarce areas, domestic water use can run into conflict with productive water use. The failure of water supply agencies to design a water supply system for multiple uses results in communities not being able to realize the full potential of water as a social good. This chapter identifies various domestic and productive water requirements of rural households. This project is used to make public more benefited. They can register to book water. They consist of the modules like sign in, register, fetch data, filter data and distribution. This helps the user to find the water availability and quantity required.












The crop is basic reason of production of food and raw material, which eventually is reason of survival of the population. In Indian most of the population is dependent on crops. However, there is also need to review and revitalize the mechanism for updating the technology. In the upcoming years agriculture will see major changes. The main purpose for such project is to develop a mobile phone-based solution that helps in crop management, leads to agricultural yield improvement and helps in care/maintenance of the crops. The large amount of crop is getting damage in the field due to the bacterial attacks and lack of information resources. Annually, such loss exceeds 40% in total. So, the paper presented here suggest various ways in which a farmer can utilize on their handsets using application called “crop management system”, to assist them for relatively better cultivation and merchandise. Our proposed crop management system application will provide the details about customer and farmer and also it avoids the third party buyer problem which cause problem for farmers. This project used to search for fertilizer and cultivate crop. This helps to update the fertilizer and crop and cultivate. And shows the result of the crop cultivated.








In this project, we are trying to incorporate the garbage management in the local municipal office. In most of the systems, we don’t have a clear option of separating the garbage. Our project focuses on separating the garbage wastage on a whole and to verify or finalize which garbage in which area becomes more. Garbage collected is clubbed as,Degradable Wastes,Non-Degradable Wastes,Hazardous Wastes, Plastic Wastes, Our Based on the wastage collected, actions can be taken by municipal department.



Final year project for CSE

KaaShiv Offers, Final year project in chennai for CSE. CSE Student Final year project includes BlockChain, Python, IOT, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, EthicalHacking, CCNA . This internship includes the topics related to final year project for cse 2nd year students , final year project for cse 3rd year students , final year project for cse 1st year students , final year project for cse 4th year students.This company runs by,

  • 10 Years Awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
  • Google Recognized Experts
  • Cisco Recognized Certified Experts
  • Microsoft Awarded Certified Experts
  • Robotics Experts
  • HCL Technologies Awarded Expert


Trainers at KaaShiv InfoTech are real-time Software / IT professionals worked in leading MNCs like,


  • CTS,
  • Wipro,
  • TCS,
  • Infosys,
  • Accenture and
  • Mindtree.


The Course curriculum for CSE students Final year project is carefully researched and prepared by professionals from MNC to meet the demands expected in the IT industry. After completing the Final year project Training in Chennai at  KaaShiv Infotech, students will be familiar with the Software development process followed in IT industry. Below are some of the insights of our Final year project program for cse

  1. Real-time project development and Technology Training by Microsoft Awarded Most Valuable Professional
  2. Final year project for cse students involves Full practical training
  3. Hardware and software tools full support
  4. Technology training
  5. Placement training
  6. Full documentation and report analysis
  7. R & D projects
  8. Industrial exposure
  9. Endorsing Corporate skills


What is final year project?


  1. The Final Year Project plays a crucial role in the teaching-learning process.
  2. It is also a way of identifying the ability of the student to perform an industrial project or applied research linked to the knowledge discipline.
  3. A project is defined as an effort to create or modify a specific product or service.
  4. Projects are temporary work efforts with a clear beginning and end.
  5. project (or program) any undertaking, carried out individually or collaboratively and possibly involving research or design, that is carefully planned (usually by a project team) to achieve a particular aim.



What is the benefits for choosing final year project?


  1. Final year projects if done well can add a lot of credibility to your profile.
  2. And especially your final year project building experience can help you perform well in core job placements & higher studies admission interviews.



Tips to select good final year project:

  1. Analyze the current trends
  2.  Focus your final year project on any social issue
  3. Get expert’s assistance whenever possible
  4. Research about the final year projects done by your seniors
  5.  Refer the research journals published by scholars
  6.  Check the feasibility of your final year project
  7.  Work with organizations like Kaashiv InfoTech



Why, CSE Student final year project should be a real time final year project ?


final year project for cse students provides a real time exposure for the CSE students on the latest and trending technologies. Below are some of the Top jobs in the IT Industry Job Openings ,

    1. Software Developers – Good in Python, Machine Learning, Data Science and AI programming
    2. BlockChain Administrators
    3. IOT Specialists
    4. Cyber Security
    5. Web Application Developer – Web Designers
    6. Information Security Analyst – Security Specialist
    7. Network Engineers / Analyst


KaaShiv Infotech, CSE Student Final year project – programme hornes you in the above said skills / job roles from basics to Advanced.


CSE final year project – Programme Highlights

    1. Software & others tools installation Guidance
    2. Hardware support
    3. Final year project Report creation / Project Report creation
    4. Project Completion certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers)


ADVANTAGES OF OUR- Final year project in chennai for CSE Students :


    1. Get Real Work Experience
    2. Get a Taste of Your Chosen Field
    3. Start Networking
    4. Helps You Choose a Speciality
    5. Helps You Become More Self-Confident
    6. Boosts Your CV
    7. Increases Your Market Value


CSE  Final year project  – Materials :


    1. Final year project for cse student , includes Materials
    2. Technological guidance and materials will be shared in entire year for the students to mold technically.




Venkat (7667662428) and Arun  (7667668009)

Email ID: [email protected] , [email protected]



CSE student Final year project – Programme Duration :


1 Month/2 Months/3 Months to 6 Months ( Any Number of Days – Based on student preferences)


Who Can attend this CSE student Final year project programme:


CSE student final year project – Programme can be attended  by the students who are looking for Final year project cse  / Final year project for cse students / Final year project for cse 3rd Year / Final year project for cse 4th Year / Internship Jobs / Job seekers


Final year project for CSE students – Programme Outcome :


    1. Complete Code
    2. Project Guidance and Training
    3. Complete project documentation


Contact Details –  Final year project for CSE students :

Whatsapp Number – 9840678906   Contact Number – 7667664842


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Real Time Project

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In our, internship on CSE – programme below are following different kind of programmes focused such as,

  1. Final year project for CSE (or) CSE paid Final year project, – Kaashiv Provides an in-depth knowledge of CSE Platform and other relevant CSE technologies.
  1. CSE Final year project work from home – Our company provides facility for the students to learn CSE from home as an Final year project based on latest technological trends.
  2. CSE Final year project report – Reports are also provided for the final year projects for students in our company related to CSE
  3. CSE Final year project jobs – 100% Job assistance will be provided for the students to gain practical knowledge during the Final year project period in our company.
  4. CSE summer / Winter internship 2019/2020 – Summer / Winter holiday internship in CSE platform will be provided for the student based on CSE developer knowledge base.
  5. CSE  interview questions – We provide top trending and frequently asked question for the intern students during the internship period based on CSE for software development and CSE based trending technologies.
  6. CSE  test – Based on the students request, if you are looking for any test to validate your knowledge. we are ready to provide the same.
  7. CSE  certificate – Industry recognized certificates will be provided for the students who perform internship in our company based on CSE.
  8. CSE online– Learn CSE from home, our company perform internship through online too.
  9. CSE final year project ppt / CSE final year project / projects report – We provide CSE based ppts. projects and project reports as materials after the internship in our company.
  10. Free CSE final year project In Chennai – Our company will provide free CSE Final year project in Chennai for the best students of kaashiv infotech.
  11. Project For Diploma CSE – We offer project for the diploma CSE students in our company.
  12. Final year project For 2nd Year / 3rd Year / B-Tech CSE Students – Our company offers you final year project for the above students.
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23 JAN | 08:00PM
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