be projects on cloud computing – Repositising document content with Intelligent indexing with MES Technique
Request for Project – [email protected] ; [email protected] ;[email protected]
Contact Number – 7667668009 / 7667664842
Whatsapp Number – 7667668009 / 7667664842
For complete project lists – final year project for cse
For internship – internship in chennai & inplant training in chennai
Information sharing is the key goal of Cloud Storage servers. It allows storage of sensitive and large volume of data with limited cost and high access benefits. Security must be in given due importance for the cloud data with utmost care to the data and confidence to the data owner. But this limits the utilization of data through plain text search. Hence an excellent methodology is required to match the keywords with encrypted cloud data. The proposed approach similarity measure of “coordinate matching” combined with “inner product similarity” quantitatively evaluates and matches all relevant data with search keyword to arrive at best results. This approach, each document is associated with a binary vector to represent a keyword contained in the document. The search keyword is also described as a binary vector, so the similarity could be exactly measured by the inner product of the query vector with the data vector. The inner product computation and the two multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted data schemes ensures data privacy and provides detailed information about the dynamic operation on the data set and index and hence improves the search experience of the user.
be projects on cloud computing – EXISTING SYSTEM:
• The large number of data users and documents in cloud is crucial for the search service to allow multi-keyword query and provide result similarity ranking to meet the effective data retrieval need.
• The searchable encryption focuses on single keyword search or Boolean keyword search, and rarely differentiates the search results.
• By stop word concept the unwanted keywords will be removed.
• The document search by name not by content. so we get relevant information and irrelevant information.
• We are using MD5 algorithm in existing system.
- Single-keyword search without ranking
- Boolean- keyword search without ranking
be projects on cloud computing- PROPOSED SYSTEM:
- • We define and solve the challenging problem of privacy-preserving multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data (MRSE), and establish a set of strict privacy requirements for such a secure cloud data utilization system to become a reality.
- • Among various multi-keyword semantics, we choose the efficient principle of “coordinate matching”.
- • In proposed system define public or private page and will be stored .
- • Individual page updation is in this system.
- • We ranking the document(abc.doc) by multi key word concept.
- • Checksum value for each page.
- Multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data (MRSE)
- “Coordinate matching” by inner product similarity.
be projects on cloud computing – ARCHITECTURE:
In case of learning these technologies, you can opt for
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- trainings can be like iot taining in chennai , iot course or iot course in chennai or cloud computing training in chennai or cloud course in chennai
- Inplant training can be iot inplant training , cloud computing inplant training
be projects on cloud computing – Screenshots :
More details on the project : final year project
Request for Project – [email protected] ; [email protected]
Contact Number – 7667668009 / 7667664842
Whatsapp Number – 7667668009 / 7667664842
For complete project lists – final year project for cse
For internship – internship in chennai